SIC Consulting was originally founded in the early 1990’s in Frankfurt Germany by a group of economic, mechanical and chemical engineers seeking to put in place a consulting company that specialized in providing strategic consulting services for Quality Management, Environmental Management and Business Management Systems adhering to ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 20001, EN 16001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001, ECOSYS (integrated management systems). By the mid 1990’s the company was incorporated as SIC Consulting, GmbH – Germany ( and is still in operation today serving across many industries.
Frankfurt Germany – 1994
Making a strategic business move, one partner, Oliver Pecora, moved from Germany to California in 1997, and formed SIC CONSULTING CO. Initially, similar services were to be extended in the USA as in Germany, however, Oliver refocused to serve in the technology sector within SIC CONSULTING CO.’s first year in operation after observing a greater need in that area.
Establishing itself as a technology services company with a couple of technicians on staff in the following years, SIC CONSULTING CO. was incorporated in 2001. The goal when forming SIC CONSULTING, INC. was to expand and provide a larger spectrum of IT Consulting Services and more comprehensive technology solutions in the greater Bay Area – a specific area of expertise that followed Oliver’s career path and interests while helping companies better meet their desired quality standards by investing in the expansion of their computer systems – which at the time were often not even part of a network.
In the following 10 years SIC CONSULTING, INC. focused on providing technology solutions to small and medium size businesses. Providing these solutions expanded the company to offer a wide spectrum of services ranging from common break/fix services, complete hardware and software solutions, their implementation as well as support and maintenance throughout the year. Throughout these years SIC continued to grow in experience, size and infrastructure. It was the experience in these years that would later inspire Oliver to refocus its efforts to a much more organized and less chaotic approach to resolving IT issues with a more strategic approach. Prior to this shift, a large percentage of clients were waiting for things to break before calling a technician, which often caused a lot of grief and ultimately didn’t provide the kind of end result we knew we could achieve if we could control more of the variables at hand.
Seeking a better solution, Oliver discovered that this problem was not really much different in larger organizations where an entire team of technology professionals existed, even with IT Managers in place. Oliver discovered that what was lacking was a more structured and strategic approach in not only the IT Departments of larger organizations, but also with most outsourced IT service providers. This realization inspired a new and strong vision that would incorporate much of what SIC CONSULTING was originally founded for back in Germany – where they aimed to help companies create management systems that would allow them to operate more efficiently, grow and obtain the ISO certifications desired.
Back at around 2015, this development further transformed SIC CONSULTING, INC. into an Outsourced IT Provider with focus on building relationships with those organizations seeking a partnership with organizations focused on delivering one end result – that of keeping technology running while keeping an eye on the big picture – the goals of the organization. Our team consisted of Technical, Administrative, and Managerial Staff who all work together as a whole within a tightly integrated and organized Quality Management System. Our success stemmed from our structured approach to running a modern IT Department under the philosophy that “It is the team that delivers the desired end result and value, not the individual”. Although the model worked well, our fast changing world gave us a new challenge to further innovate as our clients needs continued to change even more. It was with the sudden growth of cloud-based technologies that now enabled companies to not only allow their workforce to work from outside the main office on a regular basis, but more easily expand their workforce around the world more easily. We now needed to figure out how to serve and ever increasing remote workforce that was spread out all over the country but needed just as much help when they had problems and couldn’t get their work done because their computers weren’t working properly. This is where we learned to get really good at combining the right pieces of technology and re-develop our business model to accommodate these increasing needs, primarily because we no longer had the option to physically visit everyone in their offices. This was pretty much the point where our Proactive Care Program was born. Ultimately the program focuses on a 360 degree approach doing all the things you need to do that keep systems healthy proactively so that things don’t break down as much. This is primary achieved by providing the right mix of technology, experience and process including a 24/7 help desk when direct reactive support is needed.
Which brings us to where we are today. SIC CONSULTING, INC. has pretty much transformed into a more cloud-based company and expanded into other areas where technology is interwoven. This really just meaning that the bulk of our work is done remotely and although we still have many local clients, which we also don’t see face-to-face as much as we used too, we are proud to say that we can help our clients wherever they are in the world and at a much better response time then ever before. Along with that we now bring a much better qualified team of professionals to every client. Primarily because we also no longer have the limits of local talent which especially today don’t even stay at one job too long. People tend to move around a lot faster these days and we too had to learn to deal with all these variables. Today we are proud to say we’ve successfully combined new and innovative technologies focused primarily on being proactive and preventing problems and combined it with highly skilled professionals from all over the world and although not always perfect, have a far superior method to take care of our clients technological needs.
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